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Wolff calls for transparency in Red Bull investigation


Mercedes boss, Toto Wolff is the latest to jump on the bandwagon relating to the investigation into Christian Horner's conduct.

There is little love lost between the pair and therefore it came as no surprise when the Austrian was asked about the situation as pre-season testing go underway.

"It is clear," Wolff said when asked to address the allegations during the lunch interval on the first day of testing.

"Formula One and the teams stand for inclusion, equality, fairness and diversity, and that is not only about talking about it, but living it day in, day out," said the Austrian.

"These are just standards we set ourselves," he added. "We are a global sport and one of the most important sport platforms in the world and role models, too.

"But having said that, there is a lot of speculation that has been happening over the past weeks, and lots of things that are going on," he continued.

"What is important at that stage is for a process with rigour. I think what Red Bull has started as an independent investigation, if this is done in the right way, with transparency, that is something we need to look at.

"What the outcomes are, what it means for Formula One, and how we can learn from that because we want to talk about racing cars, and we want to talk about the sport, rather than these very, very critical topics that are more than just a team issue. It is phenomenon, and an issue for all of Formula One, and every individual that works out there."

Having attended last week's launch, Horner is in Bahrain for the test and is due to take part in the official press conference on Thursday.


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1. Posted by BillH, 23/02/2024 18:31

"Mr Wolff, you have an excellent record of team results in the "hybrid era" however in this matter, just fix your f******g car."

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2. Posted by kenji, 23/02/2024 1:06

"@Ricardo-sanchez The continued proselityzing of the woke ideology is totally boring. My comment was made to encompass the entire F1 mileau. To be absolutely clear and concise. People involved in the F1 business should be there by reason of them being fundamentally chosen for their ability to perform the functions required. Continued regurgitation of hackneyed cliches that form the basis of a specific social agenda is without merit....IMO."

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3. Posted by Ricardo_sanchez, 22/02/2024 18:19

"@kenji - I don’t understand the meritocracy reference. Are you saying that Wolff is not in his role based on merit?

His correct response to questions about Horner should have been: “That’s an internal matter for Red Bull to resolve. My focus is on Mercedes and ensuring we have a competitive car this season”. I’m going to apply to be his PR. "

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4. Posted by Chester, 22/02/2024 12:29

"The first team to ignore meritocracy is the first team to slip down the ranks."

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5. Posted by kenji, 22/02/2024 0:47

"Someone should take this clown aside and tell him that there's a new circus in town and that he's in with a chance of getting the lead role. Here's to the resurrection of meritocracy......"

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6. Posted by Celtic Tiger, 21/02/2024 21:34

"".."Formula One and the teams stand for inclusion, equality, fairness and diversity, and that is not only about talking about it, but living it day in, day out," said the Austrian."

Interesting stance, I wonder what Michael Andretti would say about that?

Toto Wolff is to Formula One as Grima Wormtongue is to King Theoden in LOTR."

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7. Posted by ffracer, 21/02/2024 20:54

"Interesting... just a few months ago, Christian Horner vehemently denied he or Red Bull filed a complaint, setting off the Toto and Susie Wolff conflict of interest investigation, with the FIA. Payback's a..."

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8. Posted by Chester, 21/02/2024 19:49

"DEI and Toto Wolff. A pair made in heaven"

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9. Posted by BrightonCorgi, 21/02/2024 17:24

"Easy to be righteous when the crosshairs are not focused on you, Toto. Could easily change."

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10. Posted by flyinglap, 21/02/2024 16:29

"How predictable... Wolff cannot contain himself, too eager to virtue signal and to communicate to the "overlords" that indeed he is worthy of their trust (with the added benefit of a chance to knock down his archenemy, Horner). I imagine him acting similarly already as a schoolboy. And growing up, he certainly didn't get any better. Money and power usually exacerbate such innate tendencies. What a season 2024 will be!"

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11. Posted by Spindoctor, 21/02/2024 15:24

"Meaningless wordsoup, and everyone laughed at "Ronspeak""

Rating: Positive (8)     Rate comment: Positive | NegativeReport this comment

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