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Todt hits out at seven 'rebel' teams' "false", "injurious and defamatory" allegations


With mounting fears in the Melbourne paddock, as two more team members are placed in self-isolation bringing the number of suspected cases of coronavirus up to five, FIA president, Jean Todt has ensured further tension by hitting out at the seven teams threatening legal action over the sport's governing body's handling of its investigation into the legality of Ferrari's 2019 engine.

Having met the deadline imposed by the seven teams in responding to a number of questions they posed over the saga, Todt hit out, accusing them of making "false", "injurious and defamatory" allegations.

Writing to the seven teams, Todt said: "Building on a totally inaccurate and biased fact pattern, not only do you challenge the decision of the FIA, you openly question the integrity of the Federation and its representatives, suggesting a fraudulent collusion between the FIA and Scuderia Ferrari.

"Your attitude goes well beyond a legitimate request for further clarification, which would have been welcomed by the FIA," he added. "It is a source of damage to the FIA F1 World Championship by itself.

"The FIA strongly rejects and denies your allegations. Teams thoughtlessly brought extremely serious charges against the FIA and key officials, notably the president, which are injurious and defamatory."

As the situation develops, the unrest within the seven teams is clearly about the FIA's stance as opposed to the rights and wrongs of the Ferrari power unit.

Indeed, the teams are calling on Ferrari to waive confidentiality over its settlement with the FIA following its investigation.

"Our allegations are not directed at another team," Red Bull consultant, Helmut Marko told Speedweek, "but at the technical control of Formula 1 and how irregularities are dealt with by the FIA.

"As a team, we cannot accept that after an irregularity is detected, this is what happens," he added.

"May I remind you that McLaren was disqualified in 2007 after the espionage case and had to pay a $100m fine."

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1. Posted by aroutis, 12/03/2020 20:07

"Excellent reply by Mr. Todt.
Also, for those having mistaken certain things, no, FIA never said that Ferrari has not been compliant, to the contrary all the time they've said they've always been compliant.
They've said that trying to prove they're not compliant after getting all the data requested (surprise surprise !) from Ferrari , was not guaranteed as it was too complex a task and Ferrari had a solid case that their engine was compliant to begin with.
And to finish this off, this settlement is compliant to the rules that preexist said agreement.

Yes, we get it, teams don't like it.
No, there is nothing fishy about it.

I hope that they keep it up, so that they're brought to WMSC for bringing the sport into disrepute and face consequences. Enough, IS enough at one point."

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2. Posted by BillH, 12/03/2020 16:21

"Going back to the root cause of the odd settlement, at least going by the statement from the FIA, the FIA know that the PU wasn't always compliant but can't prove it 100%.
To me that means that the team has not assisted 100% with the enquiry.
Maybe Ferrari saw what happened when McLaren went to the FIA with their findings and also let the FIA go through everything with a fine tooth comb. McLaren still got hammered.
Then again, back then, McLaren only had a small bit of red on their cars.
Attacking the other teams is distracting from the central issues
1. Why can't the FIA tell if Ferrari had a non compliant PU
2. Why not take Ferrari to the WMSC as per all the other situations like this in the past?
3. Why the confidential settlement?

I'm sure we'll get answers to those questions in time.

This whole thing could have been sorted out over the northern winter before the season and most folks would not have noticed."

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3. Posted by Wokingchap, 12/03/2020 10:43

"This is just an outrageous aptitude and typical of him, and Ferrari actually .....they go well together. HE is ruining his own reputation (whats left of it) and that of F1. Hope he is gone soon.

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4. Posted by yakker, 12/03/2020 9:55

"Ferrari International Assistance"

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5. Posted by KKK, 12/03/2020 9:03

"What has he got to hide? He should put everything out on the table for others to judge his decision. Talk about bringing the sport in disrepute!"

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6. Posted by kenji, 12/03/2020 7:49

"I am relishing this fracas as it has taken far too long for the FIA to not be held to account for some of their decisions. Recently Alan Jones slammed the FIA and after reading his comments i agree 100%. Time for a major revision i think...."

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7. Posted by stackvideo, 12/03/2020 7:13

"Here's hint Mr Todt "lay it all out on the table so all can see" Soooo simple"

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