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Official: Ricciardo to leave McLaren


McLaren and Daniel Ricciardo have confirmed that his 2023 contract has been terminated early as both parties have mutually agreed that he will leave the team at the end of the 2022 season.

Ricciardo joined McLaren in 2021 and has "enjoyed some racing highlights during his time with the team", according to today's press release, "including winning the 2021 Italian Grand Prix in Monza".

"McLaren was the only team to achieve a one-two last season en route to securing fourth position in the Constructors' Championship," adds the Woking outfit, which says it will "confirm its full 2023 driver line-up in due course".

"It's been a privilege to be a part of the McLaren Racing family for the last two seasons," said the Australian, "but following several months of discussions with Zak & Andreas we have decided to terminate my contract with the team early and agree to mutually part ways at the end of this season.

"I'll be announcing my own future plans in due course but regardless of what this next chapter brings, I have no regrets and am proud of the effort and work I gave McLaren, especially the win in Monza, last season. I've enjoyed working with everyone at McLaren both trackside and back in Woking and will be giving my all on and off track as we enjoy the remainder of the season together. I've never been more motivated to compete and be a part of a sport that I love so much and look forward to what comes next."

"I would like to thank Daniel for his dedication and contribution over the last two seasons so far," added Andreas Seidl. "Despite the shared challenges, he has always turned up with a fighting spirit and positivity and helped the entire team to always keep pushing forward.

"We will never forget that memorable race win in Monza which was a great boost for the whole team. We still have an important battle in the Constructors' Championship ahead of us for the remainder of the season and we look forward to battle this out with Daniel and Lando."

"Daniel has been a great addition to McLaren, and it's been a pleasure working with him," said Zak Brown. "I'd like to thank him for all of his efforts over the last two seasons both trackside and back at base.

"It's no secret that we hoped we could achieve more together but seeing him stand on the top step of the podium as a McLaren driver was a highlight. We wish him well for the future and let's go enjoy the rest of the season together."

Ricciardo subsequently issued his own video on social media.


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1. Posted by kenji, 25/08/2022 2:39

"@ Bill Hopgood....when a driver of Ricciardo's calibre cannot get the car to do what he needs to maximise his racing talent then there is a basic flaw in the plan. He has spent the last eighteen stressful months trying to modify his technique to accomodate the special characteristics of the McLaren and it just quite simply hasn't worked. He is better off out of there. McLaren are not going to modify there inbuilt/ingrained philosophy in design just for one driver, besides the fact that they have set out their stall built around Norris was a forerunner of which direction they intended to pursue. Zak Brown is, as we all know, a super salesman who no doubt sold Ricciardo a package that never delivered except one time at Monza and that was down solely to Ricciardo's credit. Norris hasn't looked like a winner and just watching races, the ease at which the top runners pass McLarens is a case of reality showing the way. They aren't even close. i do hope that Ricciardo rejoins Renault/Alpine. They have already had two years together and he will fit in nicely plus he will have a chance to fight back in a car that appears, 'prima facie' ,to be at least as good as the McLaren ATM. DR is just too good to be left stranded in a deckchair on some remote beach!"

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2. Posted by Simon in Adelaide, 25/08/2022 1:24

"@itc, your comment made me laugh but it will probably be lost on those not in Australia.

It is amazing how some parts of the Australian press is getting its knickers in a twist - it CANNOT be Dan's fault, it's those nasty Poms; bleat, bleat, bleat.


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3. Posted by itc, 25/08/2022 0:53

"There are rumours in Australia that Ricciardo's seat has been promised to John Barilaro.

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4. Posted by Simon in Adelaide, 24/08/2022 23:34

"I fully agree with Bill, a team has a set of rules within which to build a car and each team builds a car to the best of their ability. I the car is a dog then both cars will be within 2 places on the grid or over the finishing line but that has not been the case with Daniel and Lando.

When Daniel and a car "are at one" he is a race winner the problem is that those occasions are few and far between. Many drivers are able to adjust their driving technique to minimise the limitations of the car, unfortunately for Daniel I do not believe that to be one of his skills."

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5. Posted by BillH, 24/08/2022 19:38

"Frustratingly (for himself, McLaren and those of us that wanted him to succeed) Ricciardo is just, has he says in the video, not consistently fast enough, especially compared to his younger, less experienced team mate.

Aside from that he's been good for McLaren.

In regard to "McLaren built at dog of a car so it's not Ricciardo's fault", McLaren do not build two different cars per season, one for each driver. None of the teams do.
All the top teams, give both drivers get the same gear as often as they can, subject for a major new part such as a floor that they can't make two of before a race, and it is up to the drivers and their engineers to make the best of what they have.

Perhaps this announcement will now take some pressure off Ricciardo and he'll be able to push on and have a good remainder of the season.

I do rate Ricciardo highly in regard to his race craft and overtaking ability in particular and hope he does well where ever he next ends up."

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6. Posted by Motorsport-fan, 24/08/2022 19:14

"Its difficult to judge from the outside is Lando simply just that good? or have Mclaren simply failed to build a car for DR he can drive to 100%, it would be a shame if he cannot do something with Alpine, cannot see a move any where else in F1, surely not Haas. "

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7. Posted by Defiant, 24/08/2022 18:36

"@ClarkwasGod, I thought the same thing, Teflonso has a habit of being at the right place at the wrong time, so just maybe this could be a good thing for DR."

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8. Posted by alvarezh3, 24/08/2022 18:29

"All the best Daniel, hope you find a way to stay in the series, if not, quite a few of us will miss you. "

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9. Posted by Malemoi, 24/08/2022 17:59

"I dont why, in your poll, Daniel comes out as the big bad bear. In my view this was all timed with Fernando and Oscar.

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10. Posted by Greg, 24/08/2022 17:32

"I meant F1 of course"

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11. Posted by Greg, 24/08/2022 17:31

"I am sure Daniel has all his I's crossed and t's dotted as they say. Let's hope he lands on his feet and pushing pedals in F2 or at least WEC."

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12. Posted by Mad Matt, 24/08/2022 17:21

"I'm not convinced Daniel was treated unfairly or that Lando somehow got preferential treatment. I do think the car is difficult to drive but that seems to be a problem for both drivers.

My main concern is a feeling that Daniel hasn't been treated well over the last few weeks.... it's difficult to tell when we're not privy to the full conversation "

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13. Posted by KKK, 24/08/2022 16:58

"I dont DR got a fair deal at McLaren. The car is a dog and all efforts seem to be for Lando. Id love to see him at Mercedes if Lewis retires. Whatever he chooses to do I think he is a good driver that in the right car is unbeatable. Keep it up mate !

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14. Posted by ClarkwasGod, 24/08/2022 16:23

"He's a multiple GP winner with cars that weren't dominant. McLaren haven't produced a truly decent car since 2012 - there's still much to be done in their design dept's. Hopefully, if he does move to Alpine, with Alonso's record of moving at the wrong time, next year's car will be a rocket. Far too good to be forced out of F1."

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15. Posted by ChickenFarmerF1, 24/08/2022 15:52

"Let me find my shocked face.

I hope he can land a decent contract with Alpine. If not, hopefully he can take a sabbatical year or two racing in WEC or Indy. Then come back to a top team, or at least one with good potential."

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