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Domenicali to replace Carey as F1 boss?


It is being reported - not by Eddie Jordan - that former Ferrari team boss, Stefan Domenicali is to replace Chase Carey as the CEO of Formula One.

There has been speculation over Carey's position for some time, with Mercedes' Toto Wolff one of a number of names linked to the role.

Domenicali joined Ferrari in 1991 and over the following years held a number of positions within the company until being appointed Sporting Director in 2002.

In 2007 he was named Jean Todt's successor as director of the F1 team, and a year later was appointed team principal.

The Italian was at the helm when Ferrari won its last Constructors' Championship in 2008, and despite Fernando Alonso finishing runner-up in 2010, 2012 and 2013, that was as good as it got, Domenicali resigning in early 2014.

He subsequently moved to Audi but then came his appointment as head of the FIA's Single-Seater Commission.

In early 2016 he was appointed CEO at Lamborghini.

The appointment of a former Ferrari man is unlikely to be well received by the likes of Mercedes and Red Bull, the Italian team having previously warned that it would use its veto to block the appointment of Wolff. Nonetheless, it is understood the teams have already been told of the move.

If true, Domenicali's appointment would see former Ferrari men in three key positions of F1 power, with Jean Todt president of the FIA until the end of 2021, Ross Brawn as Managing Director of F1 and in charge of its technical side, and now another Maranello man as F1 CEO.

Such a situation would surely give ammunition to those who claim Ferrari already wields too much power, the old Ferrari International Assistance meme revived in the wake of the Italian team's controversial secret arrangement with the sport's governing body following the investigation into its 2019 engine.

As recently as the Tuscan Grand Prix weekend he attended the Gala in honour of the Italian marque's 1,000th Formula One World Championship Grand Prix.

Neither F1 or Lamborghini has commented on the report.


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1. Posted by cav, 26/09/2020 12:56

"Team Bosses Welcome Domenicali appointment!"

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2. Posted by Mike_13, 24/09/2020 9:01

"Just because Domenicali worked most of his (professional) life at Ferrari, doesn't make him Ferrari-biased. In case people forgot, he worked (quite succesfully) for Ferraris' competitor Lamborghini too.

That clearly shows that he can control any potential bias he may have had (which I doubt in the first place). Ferrari was in a good place when he was their team boss. And from everything I saw of him (on TV admittingly) he is charming, charismatic, well articulated and without a doubt an expert in his field.

Personally, I would very much like to work for someone like him. He is a true leader in my opinion, humble & intelligent. Knows when to speak up and make decisions, but also knows when to listen to those around him.

Well done Liberty for picking him! The sports needs people like him in charge."

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3. Posted by BillH, 23/09/2020 20:08

"Let's not get the position under speculation confused with the FIA side of things, which is where I think Ferrari have in the past had more influence (the past being 2019).

Domenicali, from what I see is a racer and that is just what is needed in such a sport as F1.

Perhaps given more time (support?) at Ferrari, who knows what he'd have achieved?

So long as whoever is in the role plays with a straight bat then that would be OK.

Certainly Domenicali knows what pressure is and how to handle it based on his years of experience at Ferrari and elsewhere."

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4. Posted by alvarezh3, 23/09/2020 15:47

"Correction: Thant's "Brawn" not "Brown".

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5. Posted by alvarezh3, 23/09/2020 15:45

"Formula one's own version of the soap opera "As The World Turns" : The subordinate (Domenicali) will become his former boss's (Brown) boss! :-)"

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6. Posted by Burton, 23/09/2020 13:00

"I like Stefano a lot, of the last generation of bosses he's definitely one of the most likeable and straightforward ones. That said, regardless of what he did and didn't do right, there is nothing wrong with having the presence of someone like Carey coming from outside F1's old boys club. Now that window of outside perspectives closes a bit and it's back to F1 being F1 never solving anything and marching happily into oblivion."

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7. Posted by alvarezh3, 23/09/2020 12:54

"To predict Domenicali's behavior as regard with what position he will take with Ferrari in F1, one should not forget that since the early sixties, when Ferruccio Lamborghini, not in good terms with "Il Commendatore" do to continued problems with his personal Ferrari's clutch, decided to make sports cars, Lambos have been Ferrari's number one competitor in the high end sports car segment. Everyone here knows whom from the last four years has been the head of that effort at Lamborghini.

If we were to judge by the above fact, perhaps he would be more willing to go against Ferrari than in favor.

Lamborghini is ultimately owned by Volkswagen (through Audi) maybe he would be more willing to go along the german manufacturer if Todt finally convinces them to come into the series.

Really tough to judge at this point in time how he will eventually behave regarding being pro one team or another.

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8. Posted by Ted Baker, 23/09/2020 12:19

"I have not got the concerns as others have about Domenicali's appointment in place of Carey as the Concorde Agreement has now been confirmed by all teams and set in stone for the next 5 years so trying to do deals behind the scenes will not happen in the way Bernie did them in the past. Things now seem to be a bit more transparent than they were with Bernie.............well I hope so anyway.
If you think that Ferrari will bounce back strongly in the next couple of seasons I don't think that a reality. They have already been "stifled" by the FIA with dubious tweaks to their engines and the rules are now so tight it would be very difficult to find another loophole that will bring extra performance for next year. As for 2022 well who knows they may produce a brilliant legal car with the staff they have but I doubt it as most of the best F1 brains are in other teams. Politics and strategy are significant issues within the team which need to be addressed and creating a new blame free working culture.
Although I am not a particular Ferrari fan I am sad to see them languishing in the middle of the grid so I really do hope that they become competitive again and the two brilliant drivers they now have return the team to the front of the grid."

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9. Posted by Wokingchap, 23/09/2020 10:08

"This is outrageous and should be blocked. More cheating and secret agreements on the horizon."

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10. Posted by Stitch431, 23/09/2020 8:23

"Talking about a biased successor ... Was it not Luis Camilleri who threatened to veto the decision when Toto would get that job, because of possible lack of impartiality? And now they put forward Domenicali instead? That will be the end of serious competition! The once great F1 would be diminished into Formula Ferrari, with obviously no chance for any other team to expect fair racing anymore. "

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11. Posted by Great_white_shark, 23/09/2020 3:25

"I hope that's just Eddy rambling about nonsense as he usually does. I don't really want to see a Ferrari trinity with Todt, Brawn and now Domenicali at the helm of the sport."

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12. Posted by Jet Jockey, 23/09/2020 2:48

"Yes we don't need another Ferrari man at the helm. It's bad enough with all the secret deals that went on for years between Ferrari and the FIA and with last year's yet again secret deal about the Ferrari motor issue this prouves beyond any doubt that having an ex Ferrari man in some sort of high ranking position is out of the question."

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