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Monaco Grand Prix: Race team notes - McLaren


Oscar Piastri: "That was a tricky race. The pace at the beginning was incredibly slow. I had half a look before the tunnel but didn't have a car small enough to fit through the gap.

Thanks to the whole team who have worked so hard. It's been a great weekend all around, and what better place to get a result like that than Monaco. It's special to achieve a podium in Senna's colours, too, given his incredible record around these streets."

Lando Norris: "A good team result. A lot of points on the board, which is exactly what we wanted. But as we expected, there were no opportunities to move forward, especially after the Red Flag at the beginning. It was unlucky that we got put down to fourth again after the first start, that would have been lovely! But there wasn't a lot we could do on a day like today. We stayed in there, got good points for the team, and that's the main thing."

Andrea Stella, Team Principal: "Hats off to Ferrari and Charles Leclerc, they've been quick all weekend and deserved the victory. For us, well done to the entire team for delivering a fast car, and to the trackside team, for being always on the ball, managing some intense operational moments this weekend - from clearing Lando's car of debris during Qualifying, to dealing with a difficult Red Flag situation today. It's an important result here in Monaco, with Oscar scoring an impressive podium and Lando right behind on a circuit that we weren't certain would suit our car. It's a lot of points - but also evidence that we can be regular contenders for the podium. We look at the coming races with optimism."

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1. Posted by kenji, 29/05/2024 0:36

"Interesting to note that after a second look at the team photo, attached, it doesn't appear to include Stella? Strange..... No mention either from Zak Brown who was in attendance at Indy500. Did the wrong driver take the best results? "

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2. Posted by kenji, 27/05/2024 6:33

"I thought that Piastri deserved a higher level of post race accolades rather that the insipid comments made by the team. Piastri is in the early days of only his second season and he drove a highly professional race. He was able to stay in touch with Leclerc and at the same time manage an ever challenging attack laden approach by Sainz. Any slight mistake would've been disastrous yet he prevailed. I'm sure that if this had've been Norris the comments would've been far more profuse, extolling the Brit's super performance. Oscar was on it in a comparable car and now things will get tight as the season progresses.As for Leclerc well that was a great result and a great victory for one of F1's nicest people and best driver. No artifice or self aggrandist tendencies. The pressures that he was able control would've been massive and he did the business with a great drive.I must admit that the podium presentation and antics were one of the best that I've seen. Prince Albert was right in there having a great time...never seen that before! It was a very emotional and popular victory that made up for the train line we were subjected to during the race. Viva Monaco."

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