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Hamilton resumes training in bid to make season finale


World champion, Lewis Hamilton has revealed that he has resumed training and is hoping to compete in this weekend's season finale in Abi Dhabi.

A week after it was revealed that the Briton had tested positive for COVID and would consequently miss the Sakhir Grand Prix, Hamilton took to social media to give an update on his condition.

"This has been one of the hardest weeks that I have had for some time," he said in a brief video.

"I've been focusing on recovering, trying to get back in shape so I can get back in the car and race the final race in Abu Dhabi.

"I woke up today feeling great, got my first workout in, and wanted to send a message of positivity and let you guys know I'm okay, and thank everyone for sending me messages and videos, I really appreciate it.

"I hope you're staying positive and fighting through whatever it is you're facing. I hope I can get back in the car soon," he concluded, "sending you guys love."

Since testing positive last Monday, the Mercedes driver has been isolating in Bahrain.

In order to compete in this weekend's race he will need to return a negative result when tested in both Bahrain and Abu Dhabi.

However, the Briton does not have to be nominated for his seat until Saturday evening in Abu Dhabi as the regulations state that he only needs to participate in qualifying in order to be able to race next day.

His seat was taken by George Russell last weekend, the youngster, who had dominated both Friday sessions, missing out on pole by just 0.026s.

Though he led for much of the race, Russell, courtesy of a cock-up up unprecedented proportions by Mercedes and a subsequent puncture meant the Briton could only manage ninth.

Nonetheless, his performance was enough for some to doubt whether Valtteri Bottas will be able to retain his seat for much longer, while providing ammunition for those who feel that Hamilton's six titles with Mercedes owe a lot more to having the best car on the grid than being the 'greatest driver of all time'.


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1. Posted by ChickenFarmerF1, 09/12/2020 21:01

"@VC10-1103 - When you look back in history typically the best driver gets the best car, and when those come together that driver usually wins the WDC. Vettle was significantly better than his teammates in the pre-hybrid era at Red Bull. And Red Bull had a better car than anyone else. So he won 4 WDC's on the trot. Same with Schumacher at Ferrari during his streak of 5 WDCs. Senna won the WDC when he had the best car under him. Etc, etc.

Alonso flattered the Ferrari, and McLaren, but didn't win any championships with them. Likewise Schumacher in his first couple years at Ferrari. And Hamilton in his last couple years with McLaren. Or Stirling Moss in every F1 car he drove.

Winning the WDC in an inferior car can happen, but it's not the norm. "

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2. Posted by JR Martin, 09/12/2020 13:03

"@VC10-1103...I think Russell put that question to bed."

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3. Posted by VC10-1103, 09/12/2020 8:16

"I think Lewis may have an ego problem in that he can't risk it be confirmed by Russell that somebody who has raced at the back of the field, through no fault of his own, for the past couple of years can step into his car and win. It will cause people to question his WC'ship qualities again, as it did last week.

I note his statement did not recognise George's efforts last week."

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4. Posted by Greg, 09/12/2020 8:08

"@ChickenfarmerF1. Like the idea of sitting out races once your position is confirmed in the standings. Give the upcoming racers a chance to see what the bigger boys are like."

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5. Posted by KKK, 08/12/2020 20:12

"I only have a small piece of advice, having had Covid....You wont be able to concentrate for 2 hours and you would put yourself and others at risk. Take the weekend off, rest and recuperate. Back next year. Get well soon!"

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6. Posted by The Canadian, 08/12/2020 20:10

"This shouldn't even be a question. He's had it a week. Everyone should follow the 14 day quarantine period, so he should not race this week.

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7. Posted by ChickenFarmerF1, 08/12/2020 19:07

"Four! While I know Hamilton wants to race, being a racer through and through, his title is secure. I'd like to see how Russell fares against Bottas on a more "normal" circuit vs the sorta oval of the Bahrain circuit configuration. He's also now a bit more familiar with the Merc setup, steering wheel controls, etc. Plus it would give another young gun like Aitkin the chance to drive in a race and gain the experience.

I'd almost like to see a rule that once a driver has clinched their position in the championship (they can't catch anyone ahead of them, and can't be caught by anyone behind) that they have to sit out whatever remains of the season. This would give some young guys a chance to get race experience."

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8. Posted by BillH, 08/12/2020 18:15

"Ditto @wokingchap.

Is it just me but do shorter tracks seem to bring out more exciting racing when the track has overtaking areas?


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9. Posted by Greg, 08/12/2020 18:10

"Four. Stay home Ham. Let Russel show what he can do when no cock ups by the team. Wish you well."

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10. Posted by F1 Yank, 08/12/2020 17:33 (moderated by an Adminstrator, 08/12/2020 17:45)

"This comment was removed by an administrator as it was judged to have broken the site's posting rules and etiquette."

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11. Posted by F1 Yank, 08/12/2020 17:31

"Three! Stay home HAM, get well, let RUS take another crack at it! This shakeup on the grid was entertaining!"

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12. Posted by Young Slinger, 08/12/2020 16:05

"No, two of us! Agree completely, hope is better soon. Be good to see how GR would do without the team foul ups."

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13. Posted by Wokingchap, 08/12/2020 15:56

"Where as i wish Lewis a quick and full recovery, am I the only one to hope that George can drive the last race??"

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