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Haas denies breaking Russian sanctions


Haas has issued a team statement in reaction to media claims that team partner, Haas Automation, broke Russian sanctions.

The statement reads as follows:

On Tuesday, March 14, PBS ran a story alleging that our team partner, Haas Automation, had directly provided machines and parts to Russia in violation of U.S. export control and sanctions regulations.

As per Haas Automation's company statement - that story is simply false, both in its overall impression and in many of its particular statements.

Key Points:

• Haas Automation is and has always been in full compliance with U.S. Government export control.

• No machines have shipped from the Haas Automation factory to Russia since March 3, 2022.

• The 18 machines referenced in the story left the Haas Automation factory prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

• Haas Automation voluntarily chose to terminate its relationship with the Russian distributor, which has never been required by any U.S. sanctions.

• Haas Automation completely supports Ukraine and its people in their defense against Russia.

On March 3, 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Haas Automation terminated, in its entirety, its relationship with its sole existing independent distributor for Russia and Belarus, Abamet Management. Since that date, Haas has not sold or shipped any machines, parts, or software to Abamet or anyone else in Russia. This crucial fact was made clear to the PBS reporter before the story was aired.

Haas Automation has been manufacturing machines for more than 30 years, and there are more than 200,000 Haas machines currently in use throughout the world. Throughout that period, Haas has been a strict adherent to all U.S. export control and sanctions regulations, and an even stronger supporter of the U.S. policy goals many of those regulations are designed to address.

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1. Posted by elsiebc, 17/03/2023 1:42

"PBS's standards are anything but high, more like their producers. Their integrity lies with them being smarter than the rest of us. Bullshit! "

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2. Posted by Defiant, 16/03/2023 17:36

"Let's hope someone does actually do an investigation. If Haas is innocent they should be vindicated but IF they are the hypocrites that is being suggested in the article they should lose all respect and custom for being duplicitous. Particularly after all their theatrics and dodgy dealings with a certain company and it's (terrible) driver publicly not so long ago."

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3. Posted by kenji, 16/03/2023 13:12

"@ IanW...Yes, I was aware as to the involvement of the PBS and how the PBS is structured. The fact is that the PBS is regarded as a vehicle for 'producers' however there are copyright holders on all PBS content and it they who are responsible for whether or not the product is legally sound. The origins of the story may well lie in a body that can be sued. Haas would be remiss if they don't follow this up as the damage to reputation could well be substantial. Then again it may just die......"

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4. Posted by ian_w, 16/03/2023 10:36

"@kenji, except they are going after PBS, not Fox or CNN or even the BBC. PBS , the Public Broadcasting Service, a non-profit, ““Made possible by contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you.", plus a whole bunch of connected benevolent foundations. There no money for the lawyers in it. He'll get a apology on "The News Hour" at most. I did think they had higher standards and integrity than that. There is no story in the story."

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5. Posted by kenji, 16/03/2023 10:02

"Time for the lawyers to get off their backsides....could be a lucrative case! Go get them Gene."

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