Safe Running: How to Prevent Injuries


Running is a physical activity allowing you to stay fit. However, along with a better physical and mental state, running can cause serious injuries.

We are going to provide you with some useful tips to avoid them. By the way, you can also look for special injury-preventing footwear on

General body strength

The most spread running-related injuries happen when the body is not ready for any additional activity except walking. The body should be strong enough to handle running. Moreover, the more you plan to run, the stronger your muscles and bones should be. How to prepare the body for this type of exercise? The best way to do it is to train the body as well as to warm up. This will not take much time. Ordinarily, you need about five minutes to make all the preparations.

Increase your physical activity gradually

It is not a secret that famous athletes hadn't reached their goals yesterday. They had done enough training before they won their medals. The same is with running. You shouldn't try to run a marathon distance today without having previous experience. Increase the distance you cover gradually. If you want to run faster, you should also train your body in advance.

Do not forget the key muscles

Even if you are fit enough, there are some muscle groups that you need to pay particular attention to avoid damage when jogging. Glutes are those muscles that do a significant job when we run. There are special exercises to keep your muscular system in good shape.

Buy professional footwear

Running can cause serious damage if you choose the wrong shoes. Your feet are the only part of the body that is influenced hard by running as they hit the ground. With this in mind, you should think about purchasing the right footwear to avoid some serious problems in the future.

Before you take a pair, you need to be sure they are comfortable. If not, you may even break your legs, which is not the best scenario. Another reason for having injuries when running is changing footwear too frequently. You should be sure this new pair is not too different from your previous one.

Finally, if you buy non-running shoes, you may also get into trouble. All the athletes are using special footwear for running, which prevents them from getting various leg injuries.

Learning more about previous injuries

There is almost no doubt you had some leg damages in the past. By learning their patterns, you will prevent accidents in the future. For example, you know that some pieces of your muscular system don't work well. And if you don't take care of them in advance, you may have leg pain in the future.

What else? Ask the doctor

Those were the most useful and important recommendations to avoid injuries when running. You can also consult your physiotherapist to call for expertise.

Article from Pitpass (

Published: 03/12/2020
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